What a Mensch of a President!

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I love that President Obama made such a nice Rosh Hashanah message. Even if he did pronounce the "Yom" in Yom Kippur like he was tasting something delicious (him and every other American non-Jew outside of New York), it's nice to know that he's thinking of us. I don't even mind that he got political toward the end, because that's his job, and what he's saying makes a lot of sense. (See J Street for more info.)

Most importantly, I like the genuine sense of joy that I see in the President's eyes when he talks about the holiday. I think he actually knows what he's talking about when he discusses the theology, which makes me miss the east coast, and it's nice to be reminded by the guy in charge to forgive people and reassess our lives.

Next steps: Inviting President Obama to our Passover seder... I think he'd particularly enjoy the part where we read aloud about the oppression of the Soviet Jews, and the responsibility of the international community to help them. I can dream, right?

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